Health, Safety & Environment Division

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  • 1.  Paraquat the next Glyphosate

    Posted 01-09-2024 19:26

    The question here has the focus and legal debate over the safety of glyphosate potentially pushed agricultural workers to increase their reliance on Paraquat? A recent ABC news report suggests that  there is evidence suggesting the Paraquat is a significant factor in developing Parkinson Disease particularly in rural communities.  Could Paraquat be the next Glyphosate?

    Lisa Stevens
    Principal OHS Consultant
    Lisa J Stevens And Associates

  • 2.  RE: Paraquat the next Glyphosate

    Posted 02-09-2024 08:26

    If the choice was between Glyphosate and Paraquat - then I'd choose glyphosate every time.

    Paraquat is significantly more toxic and, given that there is no treatment for paraquat if acute exposure occurs, it appears to be an unreasonable risk. The question isn't so much "Is Paraquat the next Glyphosate?" but rather why, given that the toxiicity of paraquat is so well established, that it hasn't been pulled from the market already.

    By comparrison glyphosate is innocuous.

    Bruce Heath