You're invited to the WA Branch Chemaraderie June 2024
This Chemaraderie will be hosted at the University of Western Australia in the Bayliss building as a special, once off, event.
The talk will be held in lecture theatre G33. Food and drinks will be in the foyer (both before and after the talk).
Why Squeeze MOFs? The Effect of Pressure, Guest Uptake and Structural Flexibility on Porous Materials
Prof Stephen Moggach - University of Western Australia (

Over the last 10 years or so, several researchers have been studying the effect of high pressure (generally considered as > 0.1 GPa) on porous and non-porous molecular and non-molecular systems, such as metal-organic frameworks (or MOFs). But why? Application of pressure has proven to be an incredibly valuable route to developing structure/property relationships in a whole host of functional materials, including single-molecule magnets and molecular conductors. In the world of porous materials, we have been using high-pressure crystallographic techniques to explore the uptake of guest species into the cavities and channels inside MOFs and other porous molecular materials. We do this, by taking advantage of the fact that the small molecules that encompass the pressure transmitting fluids used frequently in high-pressure crystallographic studies can penetrate the pores on increasing pressure. This has revealed unexpected flexibility, explain unusual adsorption phenomena under milder gas pressures, overcome crystallite size-dependent phenomena, and increase reactivity in MOFs, letting us develop structure-property relationships in this group of fascinating materials. Here, we will give an overview of the effect of high-pressure on both micro and nanoporous materials and highlight some of our recent work on gas-loaded and non-stoichiometric framework materials, and show you why, you should really squeeze your MOFs.
Stephen got his BSc in applied chemistry from The Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen then did his PhD in chemistry at the University of Edinburgh, followed by a 3-year postdoc, both under the supervision of Professor Simon Parsons at the University of Edinburgh in the field of high-pressure crystallography. Stephen went on to become a lecturer then senior lecturer in Inorganic chemistry and held a Royal Society of Edinburgh Personal Research Fellowship during this time before heading to the University of Western Australia in August 2018, where in 2020, was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship. Stephen is a member of the education committee for the Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ), a co-editor for Acta C. and the Journal of Applied Crystallography, and is a member of the International Union of Crystallography commission for high-pressure.
With thanks to our Chemaraderie sponsor
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