Our annual one-day symposium aims to provide both postgraduate students, ECR/postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals a forum to present and discuss current polymer research across NSW and ACT.
The symposium will cover all areas of polymer science, engineering and technologies from the latest innovations and new methods in synthesis, polymeric architectures, characterisation, and processing to advanced applications of polymers in health, energy and sustainability, as well as polymers in industry and translational research.
We invite all our ECRs to present a poster or register for a talk. We will aim for 15 min talks, and allocate these based on the level of interest we receive and to ensure a diversity of groups and topics are represented. We will email you to confirm whether we have allocated you a talk or a poster asap after close of abstracts.

Abstract Information
Submissions open: |
1st October 2024 |
Submissions close: |
25th October 2024 |

Event Organising Committee
Robert Chapman (Chair)
Jiangtao Xu (Chair of NSW Poly)
Qiang Fu (Treasurer of NSW Poly)
Vipul Agarwal (Committee member)
With thanks to our sponsors
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Cancellation Policy D applies to this event. For full details, view our Cancellation Policy. By registering for this event, you agree to, and will be bound by, the RACI Event Terms and Conditions and Event Code of Conduct.
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