Guest speaker Ms Lisa Owens, Chair of the Australian International Group, Society of Chemical Industry. Lisa assumed the role of Chair of SCI Australia late last year.
She is a chemical engineer by training and has had an extensive career in several industries including dairy, food and brewing; she has recently been involved in aspects of the renewable energy industry.
Lisa has been instrumental in reinvigorating the SCI “Plant of the Year” award, given to Australian industrial projects meeting a range of criteria, and recently hosted a function at Ayers House in Adelaide where two South Australian organisations received awards.
The main award was given to the Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA), Seaford Heights, a collaboration between the Cities of Onkaparinga, Marion and Holdfast Bay and the Re.Group, ( ) for their 80,000 tpa facility which separates recyclables into their component streams (paper and cardboard, glass, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and different types of plastic).
The Highly Commended award was given to the Australia Gas Infrastructure Group facility at Tonsley Innovation District ( ) which feeds hydrogen into the main gas main at a controlled rate.
Another first for SCI Australia was the success of a group of students from UNSW who did exceptionally well in the 2023 “Bright SCIdea” challenge with their “Spoilguard” project designed to reduce food waste. In addition to her Professional and SCI activities,
Lisa is also Acting Director of Strategy and Policy of the Australian Pint of Science Festival ( ).
Organiser: Dr Richard Thwaites - 0407 862 367