The event annually gathers around 80 Early Career Chemists (ECCs) and offers an invaluable opportunity to connect with our Industrial Partners.
Join us this year at the University of Western Australia in Crawley, in the atrium of the Bayliss building, on the 24th of July 2024. Participants and Industrial Partners will be welcomed from 5pm, with presentations of the companies' hiring chemists in WA starting at 5.30pm. The short 3-minute format will allow you to discover their sector of activity as well as the type of chemist profile they hire. You will be then invited to exchange at their booth until 8pm. Catering will be provided.
With thanks to our sponsors

Would you like to become a sponsor of this event?
Event Organising Committee and Contact Information:
The Early Career Chemists Group in Western Australia
Event Terms & Conditions
Cancellation Policy E applies to this event. For full details, view our Cancellation Policy. By registering for this event, you agree to, and will be bound by, the RACI Event Terms and Conditions and Event Code of Conduct.
Please note that general group photos will be taken during the event. The photos may be shared on our social media platforms. If you do not wish for your photos to be used, please email us at or talk to the organising committee on the day of the event.