
Chemistry for Everyone: The RACI Inclusion and Diversity Framework

By Jenny Pham posted 15 days ago


Although inclusion and diversity (I&D) is accepted by organisations around the world as being of critical importance, most organisations have a long way to go to achieving full diversity and a culture of inclusion and belonging. RACI recognises that it is no different. 

RACI has a long-standing policy that outlines its commitment to promoting inclusivity and transparency within a culture of mutual respect and to improving diversity. Progress, particularly in relation to gender equity, has been made. But how much progress? What areas are we falling behind in? And how does RACI compare to other organisations? 

In response to such questions, in October 2023, the RACI Board approved a new I&D Framework for promoting equity and I&D across all its operations and activities. In establishing this, the RACI Board acknowledged that achieving diversity and inclusion is an organisational priority. Such a journey requires us to prioritise and self-assess outcomes and impact and be transparent in reporting what progress has been made.


To access the document please check out the latest version of our Chemistry in Australia magazine, free to all RACI members.

Download and read the full document below

