Education Resources

Classroom Resources

Welcome to the RACI Classroom Resources hub. We believe that quality educational materials are the cornerstone of effective learning in the field of chemistry. Our extensive collection of resources is meticulously crafted by qualified and experienced chemists and educators, ensuring the highest standard of content for teachers and students alike.
Our classroom resources are more than just educational aids; they are gateways to exploration and understanding. Whether you're a seasoned teacher or a student eager to delve into the fascinating world of chemistry, our collection covers a broad spectrum of topics, catering to various levels of expertise.

By offering resources developed by qualified professionals, we ensure accuracy, relevance, and alignment with curriculum standards. These materials are designed to foster a deep appreciation for the subject, instilling a lifelong love for learning. Accessible, comprehensive, and created with a passion for education, our Classroom Resources are your trusted companions in the journey of discovery and knowledge acquisition. Explore, engage, and empower your classroom experience, and let the wonders of chemistry come to life.

Top Picks from Our Teacher Advisory Group: Must-Have Resources for Educators

Discover a curated list of essential resources handpicked by our Teacher Advisory Group. From innovative teaching tools to insightful materials, these recommendations are designed to support and inspire educators in delivering exceptional learning experiences. Dive in and elevate your teaching toolkit!

Careers with Stem:

Careers with STEM is a vibrant platform showcasing Australian opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Featuring articles, interviews, and resources, it's your go-to for exploring the diverse world of STEM professions in Australia.


Deadly Science is a website dedicated to supporting Indigenous Australian communities by providing access to science resources and educational opportunities. Through partnerships with schools and organizations, Deadly Science aims to empower Indigenous youth to engage with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects and pursue future careers in these fields. The website offers insights into their initiatives, ways to get involved, and resources for learning.

Interactive Simulations from the American Association of Chemistry Teachers:


Explore engaging and interactive chemistry simulations on the AACT (American Association of Chemistry Teachers) website. Their collection of classroom resources includes dynamic simulations that help students visualise and understand complex chemical concepts. Ideal for enhancing lessons and supporting diverse learning styles, these simulations cover a wide range of topics and are designed to make chemistry both accessible and exciting for students of all levels. Discover the perfect tools to bring chemistry to life in your classroom today!

Youtube Clips

Chemistry is Magic

Dr Nathan Kilah (University of Tasmania) demonstrates the "Traffic light" reaction of indigo carmine.

Tasmanian Native Pepper Extraction

Jeremy Just (University of Tasmania) demonstrates the extraction of Tasmanian Native Pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata) using a home esp…

The Mystery of the Salt and Vinegar Chip!

Dr Nathan Kilah (University of Tasmania) explains the chemistry behind the vinegar flavour of salt and vinegar chips.

From our partners at Accord

Hygiene site preview

Hygiene for Health

All you need to know about hygiene in the home and beyond.

Learn More

Furphies site preview

Furphies Website

Be in the know about the facts and fiction about the safety of chemicals in everyday products.

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Organic Nomenclature

Organic Molecule Naming Handbook for Years 11 & 12

Unlocking the Secrets of Organic Chemistry: Your Essential Guide for Teachers and Students

Unveiling the Mysteries of Organic Compound Nomenclature in the Australian Classroom

Embark on a journey of clarity with our document designed to decode the intricate nomenclature of organic compounds, tailored to seamlessly integrate with the latest Australian and state curriculums. This illuminating guide ensures that all curriculum nomenclature requirements are harmoniously aligned with the esteemed International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) standards.

What You'll Find Inside:

1. Purposeful Insights:

  • Gain comprehensive insights into the nomenclature of organic compounds.
  • Unveil the connections between curriculum requirements and IUPAC standards.

2. Structural Brilliance:

  • Delve into each functional group with:
    • Concise summary information.
    • Additional naming rules and conventions tailored to specific functional groups.
    • Worked examples to master molecule naming across all States and Territories.
    • Illuminate your understanding with selected reactions for key functional groups.

3. Navigate with Ease:

  • Discover how to effortlessly navigate this guide with clarity and precision.
  • Unleash its potential as a supplementary resource for both teachers and students.
  • Tailor your teaching or learning experience with ease.

For Teachers:

  • Illuminate the minds of your students with crystal-clear explanations.
  • Amplify your teaching arsenal with worked examples and selected reactions.
  • Enhance your curriculum planning with a resource that seamlessly aligns with Australian standards.

For Students:

  • Unlock the secrets of organic chemistry with step-by-step examples.
  • Supplement your learning with a resource that simplifies complex nomenclature.
  • Expand your knowledge by exploring selected reactions and gaining a deeper understanding of functional groups.

Extra Perks:

  • Elevate your first-year chemistry courses with confirmed expectations for student familiarity.
  • Validate and reinforce your knowledge as a chemistry course convenor.

Empower your teaching, ignite student curiosity, and unravel the wonders of organic chemistry with this indispensable guide. Dive in, and let the journey begin!