Analytical & Environmental Chemistry Division

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  • 1.  Chromatography Interest Group

    Posted 03-05-2024 10:44
    Edited by Daniel Turner 03-05-2024 10:43

    Although it has been over a decade since I have operated a chromatograph, I maintain an interest in separation science and wonder how many RACI members within the Analytical & Environmental Chemistry Division consider themselves chromatography specialists. My interest extends to hyphenated techniques leveraging the selectivity of mass spectrometry (i.e., GC-MS or GC-MS/MS).

  • 2.  RE: Chromatography Interest Group

    Posted 07-05-2024 10:36

    Hi Daniel,

    Just happened upon your post while looking at the new look of the website.

    I do have a motley assortment of HPLC equipment which I taredown or alter as a hobby. Separation science is one of those few things you can do at home without rustling anyone's feathers. Consumables are rather expensive so it doesn't get as much love as it could.
    I'm not a specialist, however, still well ahead of pack.

    Hayden Petrick

  • 3.  RE: Chromatography Interest Group

    Posted 07-05-2024 13:14
    Edited by Daniel Turner 07-05-2024 13:15

    Hi Hayden,

    Fantastic! Having a chromatograph at home is certainly having more than a passing interest in separation science.

    Do you mind me asking what detector(s) you have and what kind of analyses you tinker around with?


  • 4.  RE: Chromatography Interest Group

    Posted 14-06-2024 20:26

    I'm not sure I'd call myself a chromatography specialist... but it's what I do for a living, so maybe that's what I am? My time is pretty evenly divided between LC-MS and GC-MS - it's actually rare that I use a 'non-hyphenated' technique in my line of work.

    Sometimes I wish I'd dived into the chromatography world a bit earlier on in my journey through chemistry. I was firmly embedded in the world of organic synthesis before confronting the realities of the job market meant pivoting sharply into an analytical chemistry career...

    I have some instruments at home, namely a GC-MS and a GC-FID (with sundry autosamplers) which I will work on one day, but after dealing with LC plumbing for long hours each day the last thing I want to deal with is flowpath issues in my shed...

    Andrew Wright