I'm not sure I'd call myself a chromatography specialist... but it's what I do for a living, so maybe that's what I am? My time is pretty evenly divided between LC-MS and GC-MS - it's actually rare that I use a 'non-hyphenated' technique in my line of work.
Sometimes I wish I'd dived into the chromatography world a bit earlier on in my journey through chemistry. I was firmly embedded in the world of organic synthesis before confronting the realities of the job market meant pivoting sharply into an analytical chemistry career...
I have some instruments at home, namely a GC-MS and a GC-FID (with sundry autosamplers) which I will work on one day, but after dealing with LC plumbing for long hours each day the last thing I want to deal with is flowpath issues in my shed...
Andrew Wright
Original Message:
Sent: 03-05-2024 10:43
From: Daniel Turner
Subject: Chromatography Interest Group
Although it has been over a decade since I have operated a chromatograph, I maintain an interest in separation science and wonder how many RACI members within the Analytical & Environmental Chemistry Division consider themselves chromatography specialists. My interest extends to hyphenated techniques leveraging the selectivity of mass spectrometry (i.e., GC-MS or GC-MS/MS).