Dear Female WA Branch Members,
Our friends at STAWA have contacted me regarding their STEMXX Siters Event in 2024, wanting to see if there were any female RACI members who might be interested in hosting a workshop at one of their upcoming events in August in Bunbury. Their event will be primarily focused on young women in years 5-9.
STEMXX Sisters promotes STEM careers to encourage young women to consider pursuing and succeeding in STEM subjects at both secondary and tertiary levels. The event will be held on Saturday 10 August, at Bunbury Catholic College. I have attached a flyer with more information on the event.
Young women in southwest WA have limited exposure to STEM workshops and career showcasing events including opportunities to belong to STEM clubs and to compete in competitions that are primarily presented in Perth and not in rural areas.
They are looking specifically for:
• The provision of female professionals from your organisation to present their career journey during a discussion session and at morning tea. This would take place at the Bunbury Catholic College between 9.30am to 11.00am. There will also be a 'speed dating' element of the event after lunch where speakers will switch from tables to discuss your role and field in further depth and allow the girls to ask questions.
If this is of interest to you, please let me know by emailing
With thanks,
Hannah McCarthy
Education & Outreach Coordinator (National)
The Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Email: (03) 9328 2033