The Centenary of Federation Teaching - Team Awards

The previously named Centenary of Federation Teaching Award has been changed to recognise teams rather than individuals for their original and impactful new initiatives in the teaching of chemistry in Australia at both Primary, Secondary & Tertiary education levels.

About this award

These awards acknowledge that original and impactful new initiatives in the education sector are increasingly developed by teams of people, rather than individuals acting alone.
Applications should include the following:
  • details of the primary contact and a description of the initiative in a supporting statement of no more than 5 pages, 
  • quality and originality of the initiative, including how these will be evaluated
  • impact and significance within the education sector, including how the initiative will be disseminated and its potential for broader applicability
  • name and email address of a person within the primary, secondary school, tertiary institution, or RACI Branch/Division member who knows of the initiative and is prepared to act as a referee
  • Names, email and telephone contacts of no more than four referees

Please prepare your application/submission as a PDF document.

After the closing date, no further nominations for the award shall be accepted.

If in the opinion of the Board there is no candidate who has sufficient merit, the Board may refrain from making an award. The decision of the Board is final and no discussions or correspondence will be entered into.

The RACI National Awards are open from 1 April to 30 June.
During this time, you are invited to submit applications below.

Applications & nominations


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Register your interest

Previous award winners

2021 -  Leslie Findlay

2020 -  Nil

2019 -  Andrew Eaton - National

2018 -  Nil

2017 -  Nil

2016 -  Jaya Chowdhury (NSW)

2015 -  Andrew Eaton (Secondary Education NSW)

2014 -  (Moved to branches)

            Bill Easman / Cameron Senn-Sanger / Gillian Hume (VIC)

            Michael van der Ploeg (TAS)

            Nicolette Hilton (NSW)

            Gary Rolfe (ACT)

2013 -  Nil

2012 -  Peter O'Neill (Secondary Education NSW)

            Louise Tyson (Secondary Education SA)

            Gary Turner (Secondary Education QLD)

2011 -  Tatiana Anesbury (Secondary Education SA)

            Deborah Beswick (Secondary Education TAS)

2010 -  Alisdair Hay (Secondary Education NSW)

2009  -  Graham Armstrong

2008  -  Phillip Moulds (Secondary Education QLD)

             Michael McCann (Secondary Education SA)

2007 -  Anthony Masters

2006 -  Steven J. Langford

            Robyn Pillans

2005 -  Nil

2004 -  Ian G. McMahon (Secondary Education SA)

            Russell Dempster (Secondary Education NT)

            S. Wise (Secondary Education TAS)

            Richard Walding (Secondary Education QLD)

            Doug Sadler (Secondary Education QLD)

            Mark Buntine (Tertiary)

            Scott H. Kable (Tertiary)

2003 - Magdalena Wajrak (Tertiary)

2002 -  Joanne F. Jamie (Tertiary)

            Jenelle Seaman (Secondary Education NSW)

            Anne Burke (Primary/Secondary Education TAS)

            Anthony Denny (Primary/Secondary Education TAS)

2001 -  Adrian V. George (Tertiary)

            Christopher Evans (Secondary Education SA)