The RACI Research and Development Topics conference was founded in 1992 by Professor Neil W. Barnett of Deakin University. Based initially on the Analytical Research Forum run by the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK, RACI R&D Topics was first held in 1993 at Deakin. It has since grown to include sixteen universities from across Australia, attracting in excess of 100 delegates annually.
RACI R&D Topics conference is organised primarily by postgraduate students of the hosting university. It is focused on giving postgraduate students the opportunity to share their research with a national audience of students and academics. For many students, this is their first opportunity to network with academics and students from around the country in a research-oriented environment.
We invite Honours, MSc and PhD students, and young scientists from government/industry (up to 4 years post BSc. or equivalent degree), to submit oral presentations and/or poster presentations. We also invite postdoctoral fellows (up to 3 years post PhD) to submit poster presentations. We welcome all supervisors and other researchers that wish to attend the conference to hear the latest research and innovation from the next generation of scientists in analytical and environmental chemistry in Australia, in addition to guest lectures from invited speakers and the recipients of the three medals awarded annually by the RACI Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Division as well as trade displays from industry sponsors.
In its 30th year, the RACI R&D Topics conference continues to showcase the current and developing research of Australia’s newest scientific minds. Join us this year in Hobart, Tasmania, at the RACI R&D Topics Student conference 2024.
Abstract Booklet

Conference Program

Organising Committee: Yonglin Mai, Kurt Debruille and Jia Jia Seet
Accommodation Suggestions
Hotel Discounts
Wrest Point Hotel: RACI Analytical Chemistry Conference
Travelodge Hotel Hobart: UTAS122024