Who We Are

About the RACI

Welcome to the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), where a rich legacy of scientific excellence converges with a commitment to advancing the chemical sciences for the betterment of Australia and beyond. Founded in 1917, the RACI stands as a venerable institution that has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of chemistry in Australia. 

Our institute is a vibrant community of passionate individuals from academia, industry, government, and school science educators united by a common purpose: to foster the understanding and application of chemistry for the benefit of society. At the heart of what we do is the pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and collaboration. 

The RACI serves as a hub for the exchange of ideas and the promotion of scientific discovery. Through events that provide a platform to engage with cutting-edge research; share insights; and forge valuable connections within the chemical community, to educational and careers programs; publications; and services that support the development of the next generation of professionals; to being the voice of chemistry in Australia. 

Join us on this journey, where knowledge meets innovation, and together, we can shape the future of chemistry.   

Our Purpose

The object of the RACI is to advance the role of chemistry in education, research, industry, and community. 

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For information on the RACI, download this presentation.

Governance & Policies

At RACI, we take pride in fostering open and transparent governance. This commitment is reflected in the implementation of a rigorous set of policies and systems designed to steer our operations and ensure accountability for those in control.

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