Materials Chemistry

This incredibly active Division of the RACI is a home for all those working in materials chemistry and related fields. This spans students, researchers and academics at higher education institutes and government research organisations, as well as engineers and other professionals in industry.

Our Purpose

We created the Materials Chemistry Division to:

  • Provide a networking platform for those with a common interest from a variety of sectors.
  • Disseminate the latest research in, and applications of, Materials Chemistry.
  • Serve as a window to link materials chemistry with other fields of Science and Technology as well as Industry
  • Provide for the professional development of Materials Chemists
  • Encourage students to embark on a career in one of the many sub-disciplines of Materials Chemistry.

The Materials Chemistry Division supports activities covering the synthesis, structure, properties and functional applications of materials to advance fundamental chemistry and technological progress.

It is inherently interdisciplinary, encompassing, but not limited to:

  • Electronic and magnetic materials
  • Multifunctional materials
  • Engineering materials
  • Energy materials
  • Environmental and sustainable materials
  • Bio and medical materials
  • Informatic materials
  • Nanomaterials

The name was changed from the original Solid-state Chemistry Division in 2006 to reflect its increasingly interdisciplinary nature and its relationship to other Divisions in chemistry and related fields in physics and engineering.

Regular Events

Our Materials Chemistry Division is very active in holding regular events. Highlights include:

  • A biennial conference called “Materials Chemistry and Applications” where the latest academic research and innovations in the commercial sector are presented.
  • A biennial "Youth Symposium on Materials Chemistry" where postgraduate students and early career chemists showcase their work, gain experience from scientific presentations and network with their peers.
  • An annual webinar comprising a flash student presentation competition.

Divisional Committee


A/Prof Guohua Jia

Secretary Prof Siegbert Schmid
Treasurer Prof Richard Tilley

Immediate Past President

Prof. Yun Liu (ANU)
EDI (equity, diversity & inclusion) representative A/Prof. Nadim Darwish 
Communication representative Ms. Alma Nicolau 
ECR (early career researcher) representative Dr. Zhenzhen Wu
Industry representatives Dr. Leon Burgess-Dean and Dr. Andrew Shepherd
Student representative Ms. Tamsyn Lovass

Material Chemistry Division Awards

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Become Involved

If you would like more information on our Materials Chemistry Division, or how to become involved, please contact us below.

Contact Us

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